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    [total] => 23892
    [q] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS T FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'
    [terms] => Array

    [language] => Array
            [0] => US

    [isos] => Array
            [US] => 23892

    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Zelenskyy says Putin's 'words' aren't enough amid Trump call on energy ceasefire
                    [sha] => 678257225
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-speak-ukraines-zelenskyy-after-putin-rebuffs-30/story?id=119945704
                    [description] => President Donald Trump spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday as talks continue to try to end the Russia-Ukraine war.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742416270
                    [extra] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Germany warns its travelers of tougher U.S. immigration enforcement
                    [sha] => 3516509652
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMif0FVX3lxTE5YMzFfdHo5S281MjA0MVBWaDhJTWp4RGpvMnJxWmRlT05sTkhzM25aT2dUTlB0bml0SWhZX1dKYzk0N0g5TVRlc1lYcGhHY0ZKU0ZXcVRCd3JoRG0yaTJjZnpGZjlUWGM4ekNJa3hYa3pvSlM1VlJDQ3dPcHBuWDg?oc=5
                    [description] => Germany warns its travelers of tougher U.S. immigration enforcement  Axios
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742415629
                    [extra] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington AG Accuses Collection Agency of Violating Notice Requirement for Collecting Medical Debt
                    [sha] => 2593118387
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3AFBVV95cUxPSDF4YmhOemZQcXdnaU5yeEFtdzhoSFZiRE5wWXlRYzhWbVhFXzZsT3hWYUJVM1pSOHVaS0hYdGN4Q1F4SGwxanFQLWNrc0tPSjBabmhvSWhFbzRuNzd4cFZUNVdDUEdqU0FQal9hSnJiRk8zTl9jb185Uzh0VEZjVER3bTdJUTJIRVFGUWNXQjc4MkJnTDVrZWFzT0ZEZFZsbFpqdGlHcUtZMzBFdkc1ajFHZjZSRVdibUhtbEVzODJSZjlVLXE2c2ZmS0wzMDhNdk1UdFhFVXhDNEhJ?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington AG Accuses Collection Agency of Violating Notice Requirement for Collecting Medical Debt  Regulatory Oversight
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742415599
                    [extra] => 0

            [3] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Menaced by Trump, Canada Prepares to Join E.U. Military Industry Efforts
                    [sha] => 583123590
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/19/world/canada/canada-eu-military-industry-trump.html
                    [description] => Canada’s draft deal to participate in Europe’s defense industry will bring contracts to Canadian manufacturers and help lessen dependence on the United States.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742415474
                    [extra] => 0

            [4] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => SEAvHOU 101 Preview: All you need to know when the Seattle Sounders host the Houston Dynamo on Saturday night, pres. by Ticketmaster
                    [sha] => 3046697654
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi8wFBVV95cUxQOFhHX3JPdEtKWEZZSFhTSzN4d1UyQVRNMjZoNFR6a25GaEF5czR6UmRleDRoa28xRkNmMzA2MnQzd1hZZF9CVUFGTS1ZRWpNMjNHTXpSM0dfdExYcTB4QzlXNVJremRxTUkzdlZOZ29hQTY0QXZQNG1QQ19Oc0dkZmJPZ3hZTlcxazROS25WSElBVjlZdDdFdXZVeVE2dFBjVFFobzFJX0pUd0k2UTBMSUxfcDNPZ25jMHl6XzBvLVZpaEU5MnZnbDlmWWZPNkZROVNzZHFKOWhvdTRveGY0WlluNWtkUTNneVMwcmx3TmJNQ2c?oc=5
                    [description] => SEAvHOU 101 Preview: All you need to know when the Seattle Sounders host the Houston Dynamo on Saturday night, pres. by Ticketmaster  SoundersFC.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742415252
                    [extra] => 0

            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => di Rosa to Open Exhibition Space in San Francisco, Lay Off Staff
                    [sha] => 2859762396
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxPMlg0d3hLM2hjRndNbFB0SnYxdDZxSkxUWDg5V2k5VHpHdzBSWUdGODJ6UC1VZ1l2em5ObnoxZndoQkJFd0wtOWNzVkRaQ2xlc25JenQ5THF5LVZWSDNoMW1nRFN2Vmo4U3JJYXZuYjlzOV9ONjZhLXRfWlpqS1A1V0VxYmFRbEVVTEczOU9odDJ6dEk5ZHd5bg?oc=5
                    [description] => di Rosa to Open Exhibition Space in San Francisco, Lay Off Staff  KQED
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414849
                    [extra] => 0

            [6] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Race for IOC Presidency Turns Increasingly Harsh as Decision Day Looms
                    [sha] => 2341933730
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/19/world/europe/ioc-president-race-olympics.html
                    [description] => With the winner instantly becoming the most prominent sports official in the world, the high-stakes campaign for president of the International Olympic Committee has turned increasingly harsh.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414582
                    [extra] => 0

            [7] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As Elon Musk remakes Washington, we ask: Who is this guy anyway? | The Excerpt
                    [sha] => 1430250260
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxQeFAySHRWRTRKdUFlblRTbUd6d0FSVUlGRmpZeTBUUVRrQlJZa1Fabkg4SGZ4blVEbzFuZ256S2QyT1NFN0V0NHVXZVpZWnk0OHBobzlUanA4UVJVdkNEVHNIYm5sUkVrZGZtZ1dNWm1qRG03TnJaYnVzVlpMN1EtYWRjbnJXWGlBNFgxcnVQZnlUZ3V4LUJaZ3NlakJQeXJ4dEJF?oc=5
                    [description] => As Elon Musk remakes Washington, we ask: Who is this guy anyway? | The Excerpt  USA TODAY
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414534
                    [extra] => 0

            [8] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 18 events in SF this week, from SailGP boat races to techno raves
                    [sha] => 3540505571
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidEFVX3lxTE1tVng3NFlDY2doaGVaWkVOZ2FMOV9zX0JZN3p1bVhsam1Mb0p1WlNUVTlscEhXU3VpOEhwWWVJeWptWnJYWFdnaGlMT3F6V0xER3doM1BwUFc2SVNnc25RS2UwWW9CbXU1akczQWc1OHc5T3pt?oc=5
                    [description] => 18 events in SF this week, from SailGP boat races to techno raves  The San Francisco Standard
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414280
                    [extra] => 0

            [9] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge extends deadline for deportation flight details as DOJ continues to resist
                    [sha] => 2055504034
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/19/g-s1-54748/deportation-flights-judge-boasberg-justice-department-tren-de-aragua-el-salvador
                    [description] => The Justice Department is fighting not to divulge more information about flights that deported alleged gang members to El Salvador. The federal judge is giving lawyers another day to respond.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414267
                    [extra] => 0

            [10] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump administration extends opioid emergency as fentanyl deaths drop
                    [sha] => 4263679000
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/19/nx-s1-5333651/opioid-trump-fentanyl-emergency-overdose
                    [description] => U.S. Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says the Trump administration will continue to treat opioid overdoses as a "national security" emergency even as fentanyl deaths decline.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414238
                    [extra] => 0

            [11] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Justice Department Moves to Unseal MLK Jr.’s FBI Surveillance Records
                    [sha] => 2612299779
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/19/us/politics/mlk-jr-fbi-surveillance-records-unsealed.html
                    [description] => The request, which comes on the heels of an executive order by President Trump, represents a sharp reversal for the F.B.I. and the department.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414189
                    [extra] => 0

            [12] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Jury Finds Greenpeace Liable for Hundreds of Millions in Damages
                    [sha] => 2300153594
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/19/climate/greenpeace-energy-transfer-dakota-access-verdict.html
                    [description] => A lawsuit by pipeline giant Energy Transfer claimed Greenpeace had played a major, costly role in protests nearly a decade ago. Greenpeace has said a loss could put it out of business.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742414081
                    [extra] => 0

            [13] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'Jeopardy!' clue features obscure San Francisco neighborhood name
                    [sha] => 3575562380
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxOdWZMcDl6dnRGLVVNT2h6OHl1TlB6V09rRmxDdFg3bm03eHBYYzNrMWZ6Y1Z2ZFphb25rMG5KTmtrVGNMMGlLQjhRLTVqRUo5Z19hWm1KTnpmMXNncUwweWduTjJHbGI0ZVZ5RW1ic2NWM0JXSEQzRzE3VzN6RzVpeHJfR2VDUVA5b2pObEMzUkRBVnlST2NlaGtocHFxUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => 'Jeopardy!' clue features obscure San Francisco neighborhood name  SFGATE
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413775
                    [extra] => 0

            [14] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 2025 Alaska Food Festival & Conference to be held on March 28 & 29 in Kodiak
                    [sha] => 2440612754
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiogFBVV95cUxOd2lMd1Z1SVJ4eC1rWEU3bmVkMW9XdVZvZ2Z3OVpualktYTA5WC0wenNVSXBwQVdJZnZlWGhxaDNzdkRnem81R01OVzBlTEllTl84aXUyOXdUNld3N2xPN2pVQnVlMG81WDN6aUdxb2tMZkMxUFpkQThObWRzYnNxQ2lUeGQta3QxSnA4Vk1oeUdkU0RYbTl5Q1lLMTBhbXNXcUE?oc=5
                    [description] => 2025 Alaska Food Festival & Conference to be held on March 28 & 29 in Kodiak  Must Read Alaska
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413689
                    [extra] => 0

            [15] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US law firm Paul Weiss fired by client over Trump executive order
                    [sha] => 644006982
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirwFBVV95cUxPYzNOVzNFUzI4MnNnLTRKT3VxdmlMS3VXY1lsRmFXclhqclE3Q0RpU0ZaT1JRSUExNWcxbjZQcUp1TUNjeUxudHdjV20zck9jWkxVbU9xU0JWb2daUUFrMFY4V0lhXzk4VFJyaFFSWVZtN25vZHdLSE1QeTk3SVFPNURnS1BoZWZnaTVST25PcU9JWWNsc3piVkM3OG4wc200b29yV2pxblB1cXphRjlz?oc=5
                    [description] => US law firm Paul Weiss fired by client over Trump executive order  Reuters
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413600
                    [extra] => 0

            [16] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The U.S. Is at Its Lowest Level on Our Corruption Index. And It's Getting Worse.
                    [sha] => 3920586247
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikAFBVV95cUxNLW1hQmtLRnNHZmFidDJDbkxUdHFicWNzTjE1Nl9XX3N5UndvTmdnbk1sS2FZZlgxVElSZDUyUjNtYkwzXzdhcmR0dXdPM3JVSjNSS1B4eUhVUURISlloX0tfbm5OYkZIdFhLV0t6Vm9tYWE5cUVuOEdqTU10N3NRSFJnWWpWa1RHa2k3WFlQQkU?oc=5
                    [description] => The U.S. Is at Its Lowest Level on Our Corruption Index. And It's Getting Worse.  U.S. News & World Report
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413440
                    [extra] => 0

            [17] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The MetroCard Goes the Way of the Token as M.T.A. Announces End of Sales
                    [sha] => 935216578
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/19/nyregion/nyc-subway-metro-card.html
                    [description] => The transition to the new tap-and-go system for New York City subway and bus riders is expected to save the agency at least $20 million annually, it said.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413388
                    [extra] => 0

            [18] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => BREAKING: Seattle police investigating report of officer shooting person outside precinct
                    [sha] => 1611425581
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihwJBVV95cUxNam93X2EtQklHaTR5NHgtS05VemJ1U0VXRXlmUGxMdUFmeXBYanBfV0pUYUl4cVRPVDIxa1U5SnNGaU1IU2xqdzhPTEpoRDVlc183anZUOS1vaXpYczFOb2pid3dyM2pTM2RaOG16eExyQ0dNMjNBMDh1akVuTDIwSmdYTVdJMmJuODAwejFHWmFpUElyamwyTHhDZWdad0tfRWVrcUU4OEJWNjBBWUN0T1kyZ3hLWnNUZlpaWXNtVzVhUVN3eGZwTDI5R1ZsZ2UxOGFMOHJaZlBJaFh6U0R4bHN1dmhIdTNHOHhSbzV4ZmRQM1lINTE0T0tyd1ZqSld1VWxEZ3BMdw?oc=5
                    [description] => BREAKING: Seattle police investigating report of officer shooting person outside precinct  KING5.com
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413320
                    [extra] => 0

            [19] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Flight attendants for United Airlines protest for contract negotiations
                    [sha] => 2796183057
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/19/flight-attendants-for-united-airlines-protest-for-contract-negotiations/
                    [description] => The Massachusetts Association of Flight Attendants joined 18 other unions across the country Wednesday to call for contract negotiations. The post Flight attendants for United Airlines protest for contract negotiations appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413286
                    [extra] => 0

            [20] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => These scientists are building a cat database to understand why they act like that
                    [sha] => 1746024839
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/19/nx-s1-5333270/these-scientists-are-building-a-cat-database-to-understand-why-they-act-like-that
                    [description] => The project, called Darwin's Cats, aims to enhance our understanding of feline behavior and genetics.
                    [category] => 8
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413251
                    [extra] => 0

            [21] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Man with apparent handgun outside CIA HQ in custody after barricade incident
                    [sha] => 4071468922
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/cia-headquarters-virginia-incident-firearm/story?id=119948183
                    [description] => A CIA spokesperson said law enforcement responded to an "incident" outside CIA Headquarters, located in Fairfax County.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413247
                    [extra] => 0

            [22] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Investigation underway after officer shot person near Seattle police precinct
                    [sha] => 1250257421
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi-AFBVV95cUxNVDhtY0s2cFJfZldxV2hRNENGdEpXc2h0QTdqdmNSVmxRY2JvUUt3c29Zc1RYdWt2WmdLUHhrNmZBZjdNUEdDanR5UlEtak9rNlVQWTRSLS0zMGMydFNrOFlDMktGU1lwemFPYzA1Mzg4VHdnWU02WGxVLUt6YzRUUGwwdVB5bWQzWl9yZHRHQVdtNTBDVnNBSGZYY3hHa18wWnBDYWJYajUzT2ZfVUNaY2R0S3ZsUEZpM0JNcTVwYUhWanhCV0J6M0xxcldCM2RaQ2tfcnpTaGRlVGYxd2dFeDNxS0ViUGdxdVFsOWZUeU5xd2tDcjZfQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Investigation underway after officer shot person near Seattle police precinct  KING5.com
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413200
                    [extra] => 0

            [23] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Federal Reserve cuts US growth forecast as Trump’s policies weigh on outlook
                    [sha] => 968275752
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMicEFVX3lxTE9ZeGFPdmlEOUJ3dFA5NUdkLTM1bXRLWm1CcElrSXc4UGNPM285UXFsejd0RlNfdzZ1b3lZYWdsT19TLWdUR000SGNvbmFUcklSR25wS0hCSlhoX3dPT0ZEbnEtZVdVTWVqS2ZNd3RkRmY?oc=5
                    [description] => Federal Reserve cuts US growth forecast as Trump’s policies weigh on outlook  Financial Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413088
                    [extra] => 0

            [24] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle police says officer may have shot someone at the Southwest Precinct
                    [sha] => 2119845259
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle police says officer may have shot someone at the Southwest Precinct  KIRO Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742413041
                    [extra] => 0

            [25] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Education leaders say Trump dismantling key government agency ‘saved education’
                    [sha] => 1974405142
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/education-leaders-say-trump-dismantling-key-government-agency-saved-education
                    [description] => The head of Oklahoma’s public schools is backing President Donald Trump’s moves to dismantle the Department of Education, saying Trump will go down in history as the president who "saved education."
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412783
                    [extra] => 0

            [26] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => SPD investigating after reports that officer shot someone in West Seattle
                    [sha] => 1970741500
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMib0FVX3lxTE9KS3VfbkFyY0hmbkNiMU4xeGJGLTloNU9mc1BOTE0wTVdpZXYtdWJTWWNvcVJqeFZ3eFhnZVg1R2ZjeGR2WU8tTlkxVlMxMXdGSnZ3TU9oSVNmUVh6cWk1TUdMZEE3aFhJOTVTcjVScw?oc=5
                    [description] => SPD investigating after reports that officer shot someone in West Seattle  MyNorthwest
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412773
                    [extra] => 0

            [27] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Details revealed on Washington Commanders star Deebo Samuel gets new contract
                    [sha] => 804917370
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxQOUZ5WWd5Tk9TRHBoYmxhOGp3alBHQ2pNZ0x5RTM2eW9MS19BcV9Ud0FES2NTX3JJekprdWRWclBES0V6RU5hTVVEcHhJTmk1U3hXTkNadlRjWmNuSGFLMHNiYThTNXhRT3lkMHlmcWxRTTJCd2FQUkNMYXF2NjBNc2p2dE15TUZRSjVVNGtoUGRMVkVNWGFwczU1OG16UFBQRGNVM3I3R2lkQlJE?oc=5
                    [description] => Details revealed on Washington Commanders star Deebo Samuel gets new contract  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412699
                    [extra] => 0

            [28] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Venezuela Debuts Website to Report ‘Unjust Deportations’ of Illegals from U.S.
                    [sha] => 1284804300
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2025/03/19/venezuela-debuts-website-report-unjust-deportations-illegals-u-s/
                    [description] => Venezuela launched a website to report alleged "unjust deportations" of Venezuelan illegal migrants from the United States. The post Venezuela Debuts Website to Report ‘Unjust Deportations’ of Illegals from U.S. appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412694
                    [extra] => 0

            [29] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Retired U.S. Major, Warfare Expert: Israel Can Now ‘Destroy’ Hamas Militarily
                    [sha] => 1487887874
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/19/retired-u-s-major-warfare-expert-israel-can-now-destroy-hamas-militarily/
                    [description] => The Hamas terrorist organization can now be “destroyed militarily,” according to retired United States Army major and urban and subterranean warfare expert John Spencer, who argues that shifting battlefield conditions and renewed U.S. support under President Donald Trump provide Israel with “unprecedented opportunities” to dismantle the terror group once and for all. The post Retired U.S. Major, Warfare Expert: Israel Can Now ‘Destroy’ Hamas Militarily appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412686
                    [extra] => 0

            [30] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => State Police investigate fatal logging accident in Washington County
                    [sha] => 1072867073
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizwFBVV95cUxQOThzUnpfTnROazlMRHpFdzhNaUVGWFZWdGxtc0dUbXlWWkZpT0thQ3dDdTZYV0JRQWdkaW1scnJDQXVpV25EdjVkMklxNXVrNXMwODk5dHBhanFoQXowUld6VVJGUHowZmdXYWlJWk81SzNQMjdTZ2pvN05PdFRkZV9mSXRuOEh0XzdiYll6R29MOW8tb3p1SEU2OHpwSTAzU0c2a0xkMVJVbzhXSGthU0hZQ0l2NHJnLXVJM3NoYzZvZEktWHpkMWYzOWVXQ0U?oc=5
                    [description] => State Police investigate fatal logging accident in Washington County  North Country Public Radio
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412678
                    [extra] => 0

            [31] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Popular vacation destination shoots down controversial tourist tax one day after it's introduced
                    [sha] => 1344360911
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/travel/popular-vacation-destination-shoots-down-controversial-tourist-tax-one-day-after-its-introduced
                    [description] => A tourist tax proposed by a community in the Canary Islands was blocked by a judge just one day after being introduced. Locals have been protesting against overtourism.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412652
                    [extra] => 0

            [32] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => State Dept denies deleting data on halted program tracking abducted Ukrainian children
                    [sha] => 3465567226
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitwFBVV95cUxQbHlHZVRySjU2dktoc0FVNjUydGlONl9SYVMzTF9uWGYwdWk2S1hHWnhJeTFPTGlKcTBCalBCSVlpdGttOE8tYnRGRU1RRERJS0NwQTVoZE9MN0NVNFBNNGRHMzJORzQ0QWRsNzByQmNZZ0FNWmxLX0ZNUTJFOGV1VG5GcHBweFAyM1NIUW9FVjN1WEt1VjVOYi1JeUVRZ2RyUGR1VUJaY0UzSUVBc1FEX3lzT2ZKYXM?oc=5
                    [description] => State Dept denies deleting data on halted program tracking abducted Ukrainian children  Reuters.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412559
                    [extra] => 0

            [33] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington drivers get more time at the pump: Costco extends gas station hours
                    [sha] => 982343857
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixgFBVV95cUxNNWdkOHNaVjJZbDdlWHBiUWRLbFVOVm9WeVd4alFnelQ0dTFiVEwtVEE1TGRSTnVYS0ttTlROenR6VEhnOExQYVJMVEZsQWpFcFY2dHZBMEdNa2xVQ1QzWTBHOURWVzE1V0x2VGRYek02MkY2Ml9mRHZvTmZtc0g2ekhTYUluc2gzbnA5X3VpZjNXb1F2bF80WUd6M20zcUd5Y0xWQmRmTjM3cUt4UUtQN3pZXzllSlczNkV2LVhhREZKVTNDWXc?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington drivers get more time at the pump: Costco extends gas station hours  Kitsap Sun
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412485
                    [extra] => 0

            [34] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump admin responds to Maine's reluctance to ban trans athletes from girls' sports
                    [sha] => 1534276756
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/trump-admin-responds-maines-reluctance-ban-trans-athletes-from-girls-sports
                    [description] => An HHS Office of Civil Rights official sent a warning to the Maine Principals' Association over continuing to let trans athletes compete in girls' sports.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412413
                    [extra] => 0

            [35] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Preliminary NTSB report of fatal Bering Air crash shows plane was overweight
                    [sha] => 9396795
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNRnZnOGs3RVB2azRNODlUOS1ZUkJTTDQ2UWtQZnY3NVU2bkVUYl9ySlozRWxLR3BlM0d6VXJ4UG5ld28za3B1eVpJNFV2MlZiM2N2NkhqRWw0QWpWc0x1UkN2MXkwUUJUTUZpemMtdHZUaHpGbmxYMU1PbkloMGU0VWRBQ2xqTWdyM0lYWUZDODBhU05ncVVRTU5tMnVTUHpVVHpVVVdEUWEzc1VuQWVaNWVFZjE?oc=5
                    [description] => Preliminary NTSB report of fatal Bering Air crash shows plane was overweight  Alaska's News Source
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412120
                    [extra] => 0

            [36] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Tim Walz Says He Obsessively Checks Tesla's Stock Price to Improve His Mood
                    [sha] => 3441261809
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/19/tim-walz-says-he-obsessively-checks-teslas-stock-price-to-improve-his-mood/
                    [description] => Elon Musk and former Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) sparred on Wednesday as the failed vice presidential candidate celebrated the recent dip in Tesla's stock price. The post Tim Walz Says He Obsessively Checks Tesla’s Stock Price to Improve His Mood appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742412071
                    [extra] => 0

            [37] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => College baseball rivals get into massive brawl, leads to 9 suspensions and hefty fines: report
                    [sha] => 3815717426
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/college-baseball-rivals-get-massive-brawl-leads-9-suspensions-hefty-fines-report
                    [description] => Jackson State and Prairie View A&M got into a massive brawl after a baseball game finished over the weekend, where one player launched his rival's bat into the stands.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411887
                    [extra] => 0

            [38] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Statement from Secretary Rubio and NSA Waltz on Call with Zelenskyy
                    [sha] => 2803011751
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilAFBVV95cUxNSElPOWZULTIzNW9OVlNtVnBoWlBQSFJwRlNFYmNxWmZKSkZIMHM0VUpNYVZFOThNczBTckxVU3ZJN0E3ZHNNdkNlSDR3cmhTVXpmZnhoaXlLQUJGOVV5NUJERm9zeVV4eXRGa19Pa3E2UF9UUGdVTGtqZ0liMG5GVXp0N2ExMlBmZGUzUkM1ZEdlbkFY?oc=5
                    [description] => Statement from Secretary Rubio and NSA Waltz on Call with Zelenskyy  Department of State
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411821
                    [extra] => 0

            [39] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Murkowski: Republicans quiet out of fear ‘they’re going to be taken down’
                    [sha] => 1583850362
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxPY0REY1VHM2QzaVYwblRETlRFVUlQS2w4UXNpMHF5emt2aVVNVmZnSzBwRmExd3VQYkZJZEVOcC1ZMjNNVm5rMm5JQUpnN2lEN3pibXFwdmpxanVoZmdGM1FPSnBaTlhlVHoxYzJIekhodldVanQ0YXp3UWlmaTh5TnFvNUljV0RPMjJsUTR1QkZSTnfSAZgBQVVfeXFMTU9OVDRmY0lCLTM5U1p1cWkwcTc0Mzh1a3ZCLW9EYjkwa3ZWb2luMVV0UE1XUG1TYzVEYnA0SnMyUk1ZbjdVZGpLWW5XRF9STWZhYTFMM3h2RmlaV3JFamZjbEluZng3TFNLV05LNmMyaVZqRXdYS0tYVTN5elZMaUgzajNDR21mNGNwdzlnb2swaUU1LTA0WU0?oc=5
                    [description] => Murkowski: Republicans quiet out of fear ‘they’re going to be taken down’  The Hill
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411702
                    [extra] => 0

            [40] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Man holding apparent handgun outside CIA headquarters in ongoing incident: Sources
                    [sha] => 739945088
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/cia-headquarters-virginia-incident-firearm/story?id=119948183
                    [description] => A CIA spokesperson said there is an "ongoing incident that law enforcement is currently responding to outside CIA Headquarters," located in Fairfax County.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411678
                    [extra] => 0

            [41] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Porter expands loyalty programme to include flights with Alaska and Air Transat
                    [sha] => 2364951449
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizAFBVV95cUxNWTFnUmotbnFsbnFTWkV5XzMwV0FiaWZwMDdFY2R5eXBLX1lPbVNLeW42YklMbGZja2FwNlNfSXpBdnZEbUp6c0ZBVjBPNlBCWmgzQWtJMzV6RW1zOVJSNlViei1HeVk3VzBZZDVmcUFHYU1QeGdjXzRfUXd6UDQ4VU1mUmU0SDdWTWFuSm1kcXkyOEZSZTFrTTFoNVJ2bEs5ckRYWnlrZjFrenZMeDcwa29PaUhYOG96aWpCNkpYa0hJOWR3V29jVkdSc1g?oc=5
                    [description] => Porter expands loyalty programme to include flights with Alaska and Air Transat  Flightglobal
                    [category] => 7
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411632
                    [extra] => 0

            [42] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => New border sector becomes nation’s busiest as overall encounters continue to plummet on Trump watch
                    [sha] => 1298475989
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-border-sector-becomes-nations-busiest-overall-encounters-continue-plummet-trump-watch
                    [description] => The El Paso border sector replaced the San Diego sector as the southwest border's busiest in the month of February, according to the most recent CBP data.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411557
                    [extra] => 0

            [43] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Netanyahu says 'leftist Deep State' in Israel, US weaponizes justice system against strong right wing leaders
                    [sha] => 1375245001
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/world/netanyahu-says-leftist-deep-state-israel-us-weaponizes-justice-system-against-strong-right-wing-leaders
                    [description] => Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said Israeli and American right wing leaders face opposition from the "leftist Deep State."
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411231
                    [extra] => 0

            [44] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => NSO announces extension of Gianandrea Noseda’s contract to 2031
                    [sha] => 3675715919
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiuAFBVV95cUxNa3lvZUpBa1NjSEgxMTFZdS0yUlltUDllWlFUaERFY0lCbTdkUGlveTFwTmdESjNGZzJwQ29QVkdGUVRPRjBiLXF4WTN3cmx3RHB5eG5fLVNfVnF4bDNlejRCMUZEZWhra0Qxb1JoTF9ZVlQ4czdZcHlCbG9oZkVDSEJMWldnczEzZ2VrUVhLOUJaYnNETzFmQ1pVR3BEb1JSMlpOeGdOOEppNUhhRTd1blZ1TG9JSVd1?oc=5
                    [description] => NSO announces extension of Gianandrea Noseda’s contract to 2031  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742411231
                    [extra] => 0

            [45] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => University of Alaska shutters diversity center, ‘retires’ diversity officer in continued response to anti
                    [sha] => 625751808
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi-wFBVV95cUxOY0hqOW5zVEFaZnRYWUMwWkZYSzBXSFJEMGxYYTlab3ZHdnhxOXJmcXdjd1VyS0E2MElpeGhSRWQ3clZmYzNoVk9oWWVGTFpfcDJpRFlwcDJFRF9XUC1acC0xU1BJUGZZNTR0WkllNWF4WU1kUzFpb3pxS2VLVmVEZFVJRHNEXy01bnc5NG93bC1mQVVadFUzNFpkbENENnRQOUt6NUtJSm1RX3F6YVlrUUNNZkc2S0M5Q0N0LTZEZ2FCN0RiRTJEeUNYM09xWWJIZmY3ZHRWa2R6LXNidDhPM2FibmxSckRwUHcxZ3NIUEZOTnVhTF9ZMnpEMA?oc=5
                    [description] => University of Alaska shutters diversity center, ‘retires’ diversity officer in continued response to anti-DEI orders  Anchorage Daily News
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410811
                    [extra] => 0

            [46] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Riley Gaines, former Lia Thomas opponent, praises Trump admin for pausing federal funds to UPenn
                    [sha] => 2072748168
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/riley-gaines-former-lia-thomas-opponent-praises-trump-admin-pausing-federal-funds-upenn
                    [description] => Riley Gaines praised the Trump administration Wednesday for pausing $175 million in federal funding to UPenn over its inclusion of trans athletes in women's sports.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410733
                    [extra] => 0

            [47] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US investigators say Alaska plane was overweight for icy conditions in crash that killed 10
                    [sha] => 1234262540
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxPQUtISlpvS05zLThTNmNvNV9idW1JYTBOMko1cDNGbEpXUzd3bXRjbm1yaVdpRENGbFlHcmMzV09qajQ2ekFwSzN3dGd6VWpjQ3R1SVN0MU5LNkNKajQ1bklBM2ViYU5xelktV09PLXpxTWtKakF6WDUtRzJuQXBaYnNCajYyZkJnMVktdmZ4Rl9uZGpGdThEZzBEZ1NMdw?oc=5
                    [description] => US investigators say Alaska plane was overweight for icy conditions in crash that killed 10  The Associated Press
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410680
                    [extra] => 0

            [48] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump to attend NCAA wrestling championships in longtime Democrat
                    [sha] => 1119235725
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/trump-attend-ncaa-wrestling-championships-longtime-democrat-run-city
                    [description] => President Donald Trump will be at the NCAA Division I wrestling championships this weekend in Philadelphia, Karoline Leavitt confirmed.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410513
                    [extra] => 0

            [49] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho to merge with Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood
                    [sha] => 363123411
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgJBVV95cUxOd0ltZVVhR0w1cjRLS1Frbk1yMGVUSTNmRllnRGNqYndNcEdxcVl0WHdvd2pydm1BYURZUTdlVG5pRmNXNGVDY3Zya3YzRVByN2ozWVpabXRHSmswWFU0STJ2YjhmeTVDV0ZpQklTWGhrdUdOcFZyT3ktNng0QkhmMzVQdHBvcGhzdERmcGhoVjRNaXF3clJRNldQUC1ybzFvLTI2OGItUGpxRjROS2J3X2lhS2M0djFUYlN1TUlzSmJBTjNIWlo3OGFvS2FobnVUZDFqSlNyQTJZNHFMNnl4YnFheDN6VE1hOUpYX1duanFZWkNQbXpuanlvbi1vbzN2MEJhcEdScDNZNWhhUUE?oc=5
                    [description] => Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho to merge with Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood  NBC Right Now
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410500
                    [extra] => 0

            [50] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As U.S. foreign aid programs grind to a halt, African health leaders look for a silver lining
                    [sha] => 1005736550
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/sections/goats-and-soda/2025/03/19/g-s1-53860/aid-africa-trump-usaid-midwives
                    [description] => Chad has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality. A group of midwives helped but now their jobs are on the line — one of many cases where countries must try to keep such programs alive.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410472
                    [extra] => 0

            [51] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Miami Beach drops plans to evict a theater for showing 'No Other Land'
                    [sha] => 2373801429
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/19/nx-s1-5333644/miami-beach-wont-evict-theater-showing-oscar-documentary-set-in-west-bank
                    [description] => Miami Beach's mayor has dropped an effort to evict and defund an arts cinema after strong opposition from the community and other elected officials.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410472
                    [extra] => 0

            [52] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Mexican Cartel Pushes PR Video Claiming Killing Field News Stories as Fake
                    [sha] => 125229631
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/border/2025/03/19/terrorist-cartel-pushes-pr-video-claiming-news-stories-of-killing-field-are-fabrications/
                    [description] => One of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels, now considered by the U.S. to be a terrorist organization, released a video claiming that the recent news stories about a cartel killing field and training camp attributed to them are fabrications. The drug cartel contended that any evidence in that killing field was planted to place the blame on them. The post Mexican Cartel Pushes PR Video Claiming Killing Field News Stories as Fake appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742410020
                    [extra] => 0

            [53] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'Bachelorette' alum Katie Thurston in survival mode, has to 'show up or die' in Stage 3 cancer battle
                    [sha] => 1676734998
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bachelorette-alum-katie-thurston-survival-mode-has-show-up-die-stage-3-cancer-battle
                    [description] => "Bachelorette" alum Katie Thurston opened up about her Stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis. The reality TV star was "devastated" to find out about her diagnosis at age 34.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409987
                    [extra] => 0

            [54] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Gal Gadot defends publicly supporting Israel on Oct. 7, was shocked by hate she received
                    [sha] => 1958225655
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/gal-gadot-defends-publicly-supporting-israel-oct-7-shocked-hate-she-received
                    [description] => Actress Gal Gadot defended her outspoken stance on behalf of Israel, saying she had to speak up on behalf of her country and the victims of Oct. 7.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409918
                    [extra] => 0

            [55] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vermont GOP pushes for penalties against Dems accused of disrupting ‘Detrans Awareness Day' at Capitol
                    [sha] => 4088482692
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/vermont-gop-pushes-penalties-against-dems-accused-disrupting-detrans
                    [description] => Vermont Republicans are demanding discipline for two Democrats who they say coordinated a disruption of a Detrans Awareness Day event in Montpelier at the Capitol
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409737
                    [extra] => 0

            [56] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => San Jose man arrested after viral video shows suspect keying Tesla in Costco parking lot
                    [sha] => 67605905
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-jose-man-arrested-after-viral-video-shows-suspect-keying-tesla-costco-parking-lot
                    [description] => Police in San Jose, California, arrested a man suspected of keying a Tesla. Police said opposition against Elon Musk should not justify illegal actions.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409675
                    [extra] => 0

            [57] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Prosecutors to announce charges in Victorville pursuit crash that killed deputy
                    [sha] => 3504840939
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilAFBVV95cUxOM01uSTNuQk9XQkF3R2pDRS1MVG9uV0hUWkJjV0s5ZG5sZU84cTdCUW1XZlVjMVZzMWZjR2xJd0FERm9HblN1WVBjZjhTQTZNbW1PT1gxbHZUeWkwSXFXRVJKSEFIUEtwcW9vejZTTGFNSlZ2ZmlGYVAxUjRWT3Z0T2dNUWRZcG9qYVB4TFcwZUlpNF9p0gGcAUFVX3lxTE40blhvSEdZb0FZZGszYmRrd082cWRIQ25MakRyVkxTNFk2LWlTdGJEZDZiSDJYY1A3ZG9tYjI4UHdpQWp2VnhFSVo5THlPZWlpTE9XNXMxMVM4RGRLelphS0psLWZkbExWSnpXUUVEdFd3cnppNm9heFotcERSc2lFOTEyTGVkU3hJTGxGOVJ4VHJmcjJBdFZWdjB3eA?oc=5
                    [description] => Prosecutors to announce charges in Victorville pursuit crash that killed deputy  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409660
                    [extra] => 0

            [58] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => From robot swarms to human societies, good decisions rely on the right mix of perspectives
                    [sha] => 429653768
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-robot-swarms-human-societies-good.html
                    [description] => When groups make decisions—whether it's humans aligning on a shared idea, robots coordinating tasks, or fish deciding where to swim—not everyone contributes equally. Some individuals have more reliable information, whereas others are more connected and have higher social influence.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409363
                    [extra] => 0

            [59] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Corrections Center for Women Hosts Mock Job Interviews for Residents
                    [sha] => 2373117696
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWEFVX3lxTE9CblFTY2pTV21PVmlRMElEZnU3Rjd5RjNvN1Vfa1ZjV3VfaVZzUU9iWHl4MGZPejZzVUdhUjF4WmNsazkxdDJ6UTJXd2Y2aHloT2lqSTVBbmg?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Corrections Center for Women Hosts Mock Job Interviews for Residents  Washington State Department of Corrections
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409358
                    [extra] => 0

            [60] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Fed Holds Rates Steady as Inflation Stays Stubborn, Growth Slows
                    [sha] => 3271244758
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2025/03/19/fed-holds-rates-steady-as-inflation-stays-stubborn-growth-slows/
                    [description] => The Federal Reserve left its benchmark interest rate unchanged on Wednesday, holding steady at 4.25 percent to 4.5 percent for a second consecutive meeting. The post Fed Holds Rates Steady as Inflation Stays Stubborn, Growth Slows appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409209
                    [extra] => 0

            [61] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Alaska's crude oil production to grow in 2026, first time since 2017, EIA says
                    [sha] => 3094892695
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3wFBVV95cUxNb1FPdURvb0ZvSXZoSjR6cW5WTXZLYkstMVAzZVJTZFdzYmQwMk01MWNmc1JSM3hIWW1SSHNLZ1ZzdlJkZWNTOUtpNEVSQXUzMUVMdlRwZDdYVk1lai1NQ0ZYdF93d0ppdThiRXg4Ml9DRGo5cFVLNzlPUlpQUnJSUlNtRGVIZlk5QlQ3QnF2VjA0Z3hZMmV2alcwZlRuSDRxRHdiaWJ2OV9PcXlPVnVVRUlsbjFLRGIxVXNKZjFseng1Rjd5azFHelJTYURuVDlpNnV0S0g2UHNUZ3NfcDEw?oc=5
                    [description] => Alaska's crude oil production to grow in 2026, first time since 2017, EIA says  TradingView
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409090
                    [extra] => 0

            [62] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump suggests to Zelenskyy that U.S. take ownership of Ukrainian power plants for security
                    [sha] => 3819410153
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwwFBVV95cUxNRFNoekx0U0Q5RThvUkNmS1BmUFktZjVnUU10MEpfQWRRdkxYTXprV2JSNFE1a2k0NU9ISGdVVjJ5SHZudVFFZ1NTS25keEk1UWxpRU9KX212ajZJZWRwWTFoa3hta0ctN2NUYzBseDFHMFBHdkkyWjl3ZW4xb05pX21NU2JKSU1Sa0FnMHIyVjJMNjAtcC1ZY0IyMHhiMnN1Uk1yYWo1MHRwekJkYkVtSXE4S2FLT2NEVWdZV3JQZFJEOFk?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump suggests to Zelenskyy that U.S. take ownership of Ukrainian power plants for security  PBS NewsHour
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409063
                    [extra] => 0

            [63] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Illinois families protest homeschool bill 'overreach' at Capitol, but legislation advances
                    [sha] => 1310744674
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/illinois-families-protest-homeschool-bill-overreach-capitol-legislation-advances
                    [description] => Hundreds of homeschooling families came to the Illinois state Capitol to protest against House Bill 2827, which passed out of committee Wednesday.
                    [category] => 2
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409061
                    [extra] => 0

            [64] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Bernie Sanders says Democrats have bigger problems than Schumer, party has 'no grassroots support'
                    [sha] => 331318283
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/bernie-sanders-democrats-bigger-problems-schumer-party-no-grassroots-support
                    [description] => Bernie Sanders lamented on Tuesday that the Democratic Party had "virtually no grassroots support," shifting away some blame from Chuck Schumer amid the fallout from the spending bill.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409043
                    [extra] => 0

            [65] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Commanders $45 million defensive tackle among most overpaid free agents
                    [sha] => 1290747867
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixgFBVV95cUxQeEdqbG5yc0Myd0NyM0NKNnpuN0NGTFdMa2FoM3lmdXNBRjlFdC11NzFFTllqSGstWDAwZWlvVUwwQzlxZGZaZ2RaemprMkdyS181TWY0N2dnQlZpdlczNS1DalhYS1V0M0ZVOTRRSjMtSF9kdmpacnd4dVU2Yno5YmsweVB1VUFYN25VVnVxODE0U25ESUVJM3JLU0w2WFZtVHJDSXFFaDRMbmtLXy1mQTc3TGkyenVxMm11T2lMeDdmWndPRVE?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Commanders $45 million defensive tackle among most overpaid free agents  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742409000
                    [extra] => 0

            [66] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vatican says Pope Francis no longer needs mechanical help to breathe
                    [sha] => 371219238
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/vatican-pope-francis-longer-mechanical-breathe-health-improves-119958031
                    [description] => Pope Francis’s condition has continued to improve and he no longer needs to use noninvasive mechanical ventilation to help him breathe at night
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408976
                    [extra] => 0

            [67] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => A new nanoplastic paves the way for sustainable street lighting
                    [sha] => 2722200282
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-nanoplastic-paves-sustainable-street.html
                    [description] => A new study resulting from a collaboration between King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) shows how nanomaterials can significantly reduce the carbon emissions of LED (light-emitting diode) streetlights. The research team estimates that by adopting this technology, the United States alone can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than one million metric tons.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408963
                    [extra] => 0

            [68] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judges blocking Trump’s executive orders are acting ‘erroneously,' White House says
                    [sha] => 949418618
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judges-blocking-trumps-executive-orders-acting-erroneously-white-house-says
                    [description] => On Tuesday, President Donald Trump called for Judge James Boasberg to be impeached, prompting Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to issue a rare statement condemning Trump’s remarks.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408829
                    [extra] => 0

            [69] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Top Arizona election official eyes bid for border congressional seat after House Democrat dies
                    [sha] => 3179780213
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-arizona-elections-official-eyes-bid-border-congressional-seat-after-house-dem-dies
                    [description] => Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes may run for the late Rep. Raúl Grijalva’s seat in Congress. Grijalva died of cancer recently at the age of 77.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408713
                    [extra] => 0

            [70] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump admin guts Institute of Peace of ‘rogue bureaucrats’ after DOGE standoff in government office
                    [sha] => 2433987414
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-admin-guts-institute-peace-rogue-bureaucrats-after-doge-standoff-government-office
                    [description] => The Trump administration gutted the Institute of Peace's board ahead of a standoff with DOGE members on Monday who attempted to gain access to the building.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408581
                    [extra] => 0

            [71] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Lakers' big concern revealed after Los Angeles paired LeBron James with Luka Doncic
                    [sha] => 3138529326
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMioAFBVV95cUxNQm5za3BKOTNuNGVMSldSblRBY3dfOXdNSXVyVHFDbmlzbHhkdlNla1N2eGQyb0ZicXFnYTVrZ1QwS1VRdUpsX2xZUlVPYzhsYVktN2VLME5HUVRKTkZlaHlJa01vSTJ1US0tT1BEWl9DQ1gyR0lJM3ZTb3dEUUFMMnpBM3hLSEVZbVJVdzBjdlBYWTk0WUxrVTZsdjBKM3M30gGgAUFVX3lxTE1QQW94YksxRFlxbk0yWXlNcEpTd2dXbmd1ZkNaaXlYSFhVaVo3V3BiNTVZTUVNTnRNalBqc3JENEFORk1UX3B6d2tuNnIxMF9XbVBBYmJ4YWxKREU3cHpfcjBVOWNTUWs3QlZtXzlibVRsYlpycDRmZEJSeTFfZkdfVjVoRm1aaXdUbDd3RnVidXl4MHdDaDl5VldQcGR1RDY?oc=5
                    [description] => Lakers' big concern revealed after Los Angeles paired LeBron James with Luka Doncic  Marca English
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408506
                    [extra] => 0

            [72] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Elon Musk seeks to rally support for impeachment of judge who ruled against Trump
                    [sha] => 342772989
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE5TZGZFbFZVWHJUeXZEbFg3T3hNX2xEZ211cEZYMmxZMmRwa0hIaXZZYi01QTlOb21NOW50OW5SQVFJY1otQmR4NHN6RXR4R3BIbVJDWjc4b0FXaDlqX2pOQ3d5ckRIenc0cTk4SGdnUXlTRWpuTzZVaDhpVFlrdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Elon Musk seeks to rally support for impeachment of judge who ruled against Trump  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408504
                    [extra] => 0

            [73] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Hollywood Director Arrested on Charges of Swindling Netflix Out of $11 Million for Show That Never Aired
                    [sha] => 4011328424
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2025/03/19/hollywood-director-arrested-on-charges-of-swindling-netflix-out-of-11-million-for-show-that-never-aired/
                    [description] => NEW YORK (AP) — A Hollywood writer-director was arrested Tuesday on charges that he swindled $11 million from Netflix for a sci-fi show that never aired, instead steering the cash toward cryptocurrency investments and a series of lavish purchases that included a fleet of Rolls-Royces and a Ferrari. The post Hollywood Director Arrested on Charges of Swindling Netflix Out of $11 Million for Show That Never Aired appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408394
                    [extra] => 0

            [74] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => AG Pam Bondi Issues Rule Reversing ATF Prohibition on Restoration of Gun Rights
                    [sha] => 809602167
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2025/03/19/ag-pam-bondi-issues-rule-reversing-atf-prohibition-on-restoration-of-gun-rights/
                    [description] => Attorney General Pam Bondi issued a rule Wednesday reversing the ATF's decades-long ban against the restoration of gun rights.  The post AG Pam Bondi Issues Rule Reversing ATF Prohibition on Restoration of Gun Rights appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408304
                    [extra] => 0

            [75] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => News | San Francisco Giants sell stake in team to fund real estate upgrades
                    [sha] => 3215735212
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxOWEhCdTdCajZNbVZZcEQzTkM2TUlHakRoVnJIV05zOWhQS0tTUFNDbVFoQTBtZ3N1eEd5RzlBZkF1V0laeEIzSG5TMU9hLW5EQXdaNnRrRHFwanJfV01KY2NFSW1LMmVLVjBEc0czWmpRcVNuVmFfVExUTjk2Snd5ejJSRU5JdEdCdUdYUXdBOFF2ejVsZ1ljN0VmcTdBMHBxTTJ1MWdOV21mSE0tbGc?oc=5
                    [description] => News | San Francisco Giants sell stake in team to fund real estate upgrades  CoStar Group
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408280
                    [extra] => 0

            [76] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => DNC launches billboards asking public to demand town halls from GOP representatives
                    [sha] => 3556577776
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrats-launch-billboards-public-demand-town-halls-gop/story?id=119954813
                    [description] => The DNC is launching billboards in GOP districts to encourage people to call for town halls from their representatives after some Republicans stopped holding town halls.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408209
                    [extra] => 0

            [77] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle Parks and Recreation and Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance Announce Start Construction on New Pump Track at I
                    [sha] => 2561272476
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihAJBVV95cUxQN21vZ1A4Z3lHTGFvM0k1U0lnVUFsS0VnNjlhMGhjSU9HekN4ZTlTY2V1bDdTUDBHb3pxMVdyLVBnY2ppUjVobDU2T1JkcXVfTjdsTm5zQVFjajBieWhWLWxsU0xQQlVQZVZGRXBPQzdPYWQ4N09scWxHYXVvR1poam15N2x0eDdrSmlLSUZIeUtQU0x5cXpheERseEw0QVlLbG5vaFhiV2R3ZkpsOTJlemZqRTFjS3I4UEcwSWJzWm5RWWtHS2JTRnVHNU5tSnRjSmFydTE3a28xM0phcExJdkNiNUtZb25Cb0RrcU5yZUdidWVhZFYwOC1OSy0wcGFoYUt4Yg?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle Parks and Recreation and Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance Announce Start Construction on New Pump Track at I-5 Colonnade Park  Parkways Seattle Parks and Recreation
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408139
                    [extra] => 0

            [78] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Federal Reserve cuts US economic growth outlook amid Trump tariffs
                    [sha] => 3719914339
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikAFBVV95cUxNaE1lc3cxZU81WFFORm1lZE5fRFJTdV9JajVJY3lhZ0NlLTFqMUZVNEVqS25xV052ZlVpQlo4QXdDWUo0WWJZUkdVZURvTWh4VkV4R2k3c3NUSU4wZFZPT0hJYmw5NTFVVlFxVXQyUEt4UUdmdEU5bHA5dEYtdVBDLXVIZENKQUE1MzlFN3ppVFY?oc=5
                    [description] => Federal Reserve cuts US economic growth outlook amid Trump tariffs  The Guardian
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742408100
                    [extra] => 0

            [79] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => A key DeepMind robotics researcher left Google and Nvidia has already backed his stealth startup 
                    [sha] => 583648049
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/19/a-key-deepmind-robotics-researcher-left-google-and-nvidia-has-already-backed-his-stealth-startup/
                    [description] => Nvidia has invested in a startup founded by a former Google DeepMind senior research scientist who specialized in robotics and AI. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407937
                    [extra] => 0

            [80] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 2 Mexican nationals found guilty in deadliest human smuggling event in US history
                    [sha] => 2234227321
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/2-mexican-nationals-found-guilty-deadliest-human-smuggling-event-us-history
                    [description] => Jurors took just one hour to convict Felipe Orduna-Torres and Armando Gonzales-Ortega, finding that they were part of a human smuggling conspiracy that resulted in death and injury.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407876
                    [extra] => 0

            [81] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => WATCH: Wild Brawl Breaks Out at College Baseball Game, 9 Players Suspended
                    [sha] => 2232864752
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2025/03/19/watch-wild-brawl-breaks-out-at-college-baseball-game-9-players-suspended/
                    [description] => This weekend in Texas, an insane brawl broke out between Jackson State and Prairie View A&M, and both schools will face serious repercussions. The post WATCH: Wild Brawl Breaks Out at College Baseball Game, 9 Players Suspended appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407873
                    [extra] => 0

            [82] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vikings not currently pursuing Aaron Rodgers, moving forward with JJ McCarthy as quarterback: report
                    [sha] => 2568218876
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/vikings-currently-not-pursuing-aaron-rodgers-moving-forward-jj-mccarthy-quarterback-report
                    [description] => The Minnesota Vikings are currently not pursuing free agent quarterback Aaron Rodgers, and have told teams that they are moving forward with JJ McCarthy as their quarterback.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407821
                    [extra] => 0

            [83] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Donald Trump Has ‘Very Good Telephone Call’ with Zelensky After Putin Talk
                    [sha] => 2930343816
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2025/03/19/donald-trump-has-very-good-telephone-call-with-zelensky-after-putin-talk/
                    [description] => President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had a “very good telephone call” with Ukrainian President Voloydymr Zelensky, following up on his conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin the previous day. The post Donald Trump Has ‘Very Good Telephone Call’ with Zelensky After Putin Talk appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407744
                    [extra] => 0

            [84] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Safeguarding coffee grinders from hidden stones with acoustics
                    [sha] => 37184879
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-safeguarding-coffee-grinders-hidden-stones.html
                    [description] => Most coffee connoisseurs are familiar with the gentle hum of their favorite café's grinder while they wait in eager anticipation of that aromatic first sip. But behind this everyday scene lies a surprisingly tricky problem. Coffee beans often come mixed with small stones—accidental stowaways from harvesting and processing. Nearly identical to beans in size, shape, and color, stones routinely evade even the most meticulous of inspections.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407743
                    [extra] => 0

            [85] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seabourn Announces Expedition Team for Upcoming Alaska Season
                    [sha] => 3032411257
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxQSzlFRTNxdkx6TVB3YUE1TFZaODJXRUctT05Rc3VvTThfZnRDcmJZcWRDdGV6UTRNWHIyYTd3SHgtV21vN3RIVkdfNG0zRlcwVGNla2NaTlg1b01UaVM5eDQ2T09WaWd6V0NTcVFfbWVpOUk3Qm5fakg1bWluSWZ2emUzRU05NEtZUl9ONUtwY3pYdlAxQ1ZRR3l1WmNOS1Fsd193?oc=5
                    [description] => Seabourn Announces Expedition Team for Upcoming Alaska Season  TravelPulse
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407740
                    [extra] => 0

            [86] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Belief in AI as a 'Great Machine' could weaken national security crisis responses, new research finds
                    [sha] => 4135494542
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-belief-ai-great-machine-weaken.html
                    [description] => Artificial intelligence designed to influence our decisions is everywhere—in Google searches, in online shopping suggestions and in movie streaming recommendations. But how does it affect decision-making in moments of crisis?
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407701
                    [extra] => 0

            [87] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Let’s Go Washington files another initiative to protect parents’ rights
                    [sha] => 1111431271
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMie0FVX3lxTE1qYk1HcXRsMk54TVdhZ0djMW1aSGZ2QW9zd29qS05JTlpwY1FWWFpKSTlIMmkzZVlWd3RqYlFhN3dXTDM1RTdCNE5ONko5NHFYc0xkdzVjOTAyZVRiT0dwNFQxZVhRRXlKek1pM0EzbnRmUnhyTy1RRmVlbw?oc=5
                    [description] => Let’s Go Washington files another initiative to protect parents’ rights  MyNorthwest
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407701
                    [extra] => 0

            [88] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump admin live updates: WH continues to attack judges blocking Trump's agenda
                    [sha] => 3410878890
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/donald-trump-second-term/?id=119864095
                    [description] => The White House continued Trump's criticism of the federal judiciary, even after Chief Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Republican calls to impeach judges.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407697
                    [extra] => 0

            [89] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Forget baseball. The game of the moment at spring training: Dutch.
                    [sha] => 1556610849
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxNNlZZVjNKWkpqSlY1OEExNzZPN3JKWW13NDJrX1BVbzA3cGt4ZmxXUFJoM0h0bW9UVFpVSDV3Tm5kazNJV2Y2X1FZM1BfOU1uZ1BLdnBmbWgxdi1mTmJ4ZFRtc3NOZzFOMjAtZkEyMXQ1ZDFrQ3NwSi1EdXJwRk5nSTE1ckxpU1RKU0QyNHR3?oc=5
                    [description] => Forget baseball. The game of the moment at spring training: Dutch.  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407581
                    [extra] => 0

            [90] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Federal Reserve holds rates steady despite economic uncertainty
                    [sha] => 1809855323
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWkFVX3lxTFBmQ1lvWHNucTlCOU14bGJDamhHOW4xVmRuOUdacUlLd2dKZlVUU1hwMGNySXA3d2xsaXYycFROYXpMTDNBVGozeFVLV05MeG9mUlo1ZTVBYU8xQdIBX0FVX3lxTE9RdjdlWHVYenJva1YxWThTdTlpZ1Q3TlA1akU2Zy1BMnY5dTNBS1hCX2JCOGw3R19jbEpyN2pqYmQ4TDc1QlJsck9xWUc2U1hnY1hLR2h3dDdsdnBDaS1N?oc=5
                    [description] => Federal Reserve holds rates steady despite economic uncertainty  BBC.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407580
                    [extra] => 0

            [91] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The Fed holds interest rates steady as Trump's trade agenda sparks uncertainty
                    [sha] => 4037784713
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/19/nx-s1-5330889/federal-reserve-interest-rates-trump-trade-tariffs-inflation
                    [description] => The Fed held rates steady, but left the door open to cut them later this year if inflation continues to ease. Trump's tariffs, however, could complicate efforts to bring prices under control.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407578
                    [extra] => 0

            [92] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US isn’t first country to dismantle its foreign aid office − here’s what happened after the UK killed its version of USAID
                    [sha] => 1639444797
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi6AFBVV95cUxNbC12bEl2RmpyYk5EVko5WU9ZZzA4bWZYWmd1QmtfZVkwUGp2LWVCalVseHpiRGxYN2JObmpNcGpnenF5bGNuWUxZUFlNbmlnN1RVdHIzMldiUTZMOER2SnlKYzFheWFpMzdUOU1aWUF6Z01yczZGdXdMVTNORjM5aE9GWElaRURDM3ROZE50OVgtblotY1NkNk1lR0RUWmloUkF5RzAxYmF3QTR0NXdRU3Jnd0lTbDM0VTdLUkx6NUxtWXZlTGRIRnI1eElxSG5CUnJ4UWJmbnp6Y1FSZEgzUC1ocC0ycTVw?oc=5
                    [description] => US isn’t first country to dismantle its foreign aid office − here’s what happened after the UK killed its version of USAID  The Conversation
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407553
                    [extra] => 0

            [93] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington, Keota staff sharing agreements threatened amid ad dispute
                    [sha] => 2677826607
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxOVjNwOVRndXYxcGV1amJ2SDRTVzdQSUljeGwyOGZzaVdYVlNpMG5ZNWY5d3I4TURPMHlnRi1xNEZDZlY1MjdSWm05Mk16M2JGUTItZ2lSVmNUMW1ZN3hYY1ZKVW9mSkVYNjhVRi0zeEt2dTNxaW1NNlFtSzZmVTVURUtDaGFpSkVHZUpKTUxhR3ZZdXFWSFNJWW5sRGFndnA1aU9ieUVFbVdQc0lrZlE?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington, Keota staff sharing agreements threatened amid ad dispute  Southeast Iowa Union
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407358
                    [extra] => 0

            [94] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Prince Harry's immigration docs paint 'clear picture' into how he was allowed into US: report
                    [sha] => 3185109637
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/prince-harrys-immigration-docs-paint-clear-picture-how-he-allowed-us-report
                    [description] => Documents released in court Tuesday paint a "clear picture" that Prince Harry likely lied on his visa application during his 2020 move to the U.S., one lawyer says.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407341
                    [extra] => 0

            [95] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Patients scramble as cheaper obesity drug alternatives disappear
                    [sha] => 1764141674
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2025/03/19/nx-s1-5333230/zepbound-tirzepatide-compounding-fda
                    [description] => Compounding pharmacies have been allowed to essentially make a cheaper version of Eli Lilly's Zepbound, but they have to stop Wednesday. That's left many patients wondering what to do next.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407325
                    [extra] => 0

            [96] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Oracle Park Could Provide Another Career Revival for San Francisco Giants New Star
                    [sha] => 86925434
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizwFBVV95cUxQY21ETlRCdGJkcnB5enVxbXAwTDFIRHUyelZxZEhQbTZWN0YwMnN4QUxTRnQ1TzBIal9OV1JsWVdkenROb1NjVjF3bDVRNHB1WTZpNENmTUYzbk1na1lJYmJnWWZPZXMtd2pWT3h5VFBjdFZ4ZUc4Yk5ERkIycHhHQ1NfdkNxMlVCWTc0ekVhaTFsQW02bUl4RUdGcDFqekNmYzFfbl9SZW51QXNaZnpUNDRRNDJqdHJCYWNDWTlkOHdUbDhvZnVMRTN3R19qbEE?oc=5
                    [description] => Oracle Park Could Provide Another Career Revival for San Francisco Giants New Star  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407200
                    [extra] => 0

            [97] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Guatemalan Migrant Gets Life in Prison for Abducting, Raping 12
                    [sha] => 2452886402
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2025/03/19/migrant-gets-life-prison-abducting-raping-12-year-old-girl/
                    [description] => A Guatemalan migrant has been sentenced to life in prison for abducting and raping a 12-year-old girl in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, last year.  The post Guatemalan Migrant Gets Life in Prison for Abducting, Raping 12-Year-Old Girl in Ohio appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407185
                    [extra] => 0

            [98] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Investment screening reform may stifle international investment in US
                    [sha] => 3043872925
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxPTVN2czFHbEJXSWRhWnY5SDl2M04yelYwOVQ3NjlpRnNtd3daRGFtOHpXbjU2cVRZWi1lSVRVTzk1WVg1U253STdnZGNISHRBV2tablNNZjM5SzRlSWRCQVBMV2ljeUVyLTFrcHh5Q3hGRkJzeWVONGVqeUttY2NHZklrbTMzTlVwdGVVelZMWnJob25PWGREQkUwWFIxWTc0TzloTzdEd0kzVnZUbDdZWFRaNDE0YlV1TENCcGxLTQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Investment screening reform may stifle international investment in US  Atlantic Council
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742407180
                    [extra] => 0

            [99] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Exclusive—Peter Narvarro: China Is the World’s Biggest Cheater, But the EU and Vietnam Run Close Seconds
                    [sha] => 2333659651
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/19/exclusive-peter-narvarro-china-is-the-worlds-biggest-cheater-but-the-eu-and-vietnam-run-close-seconds/
                    [description] => Peter Navarro, President Donald Trump's senior counselor for trade and manufacturing, told "The Alex Marlow Show" that although China is notorious for ripping America off on trade, many other countries are just as guilty. The post Exclusive—Peter Narvarro: China Is the World’s Biggest Cheater, But the EU and Vietnam Run Close Seconds appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742406987
                    [extra] => 0


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